Government Project at Renfrew Road – Construction of Special Schools


Dear Students and Colleagues,

Construction works have been commenced for a government project to build two special schools at Renfrew Road (click HERE to see the location of the site).

As informed by the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) of the Government, the foundation works will be commenced in February 2023.   It is anticipated that the project will be completed in 2025-26.  The working time for the construction work is 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mondays to Saturdays except public holidays.  Construction noise, dust and smell will inevitably be caused during the construction stage.  The main constructor, Unistress Building Construction Ltd., under the supervision of the ArchSD, will implement mitigation measures to minimise the inconvenience incurred as far as practicable.

The following 24-hour contact information of the main contractor has been posted up at the construction site:

Mr. Put, Site Agent   

6071  5097

Mr. Woo, Site Superintendent

6576 8878

Mr. Wan, Safety Officer

9363 6196

In case you have any enquiries relating to the construction project, you may call the main contractor directly.  Alternatively, you may send your enquiries to our Office via and we will further relay to the ArchSD for their follow-up.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Estates Office



大學接獲政府建築署的通知,項目地基工程將於2023年2月展開,而興建工程預計於 2025-26 年度內竣工。工程進行的時間為星期一至星期六早上七時至晚上七時,公眾假期除外。施工期間將會產生不可避免的噪音、塵埃及氣味,建築署會監督其承辧商聯力建築有限公司採取緩解措施,以盡量減低工程期間所造成的滋擾。


畢先生, 地盤代表

6071  5097

胡先生, 地盤主管

6576 8878

溫先生, 安全主任

9363 6196


