Water Management


Performance in 2023-24 against 2016-17

Water Consumption Performance in 2022-23 Water Consumption Performance in 2022-23


Our Commitment to Water Stewardship

At Hong Kong Baptist University, we are acutely aware of the importance of water conservation and its role in creating a sustainable future. We've implemented a comprehensive water management strategy that embraces conservation, education, and innovation. 


Tracking Water Consumption

We place a high priority on water management. We measure the total volume of water used in the university. This measurement encompasses the whole university. Water consumption performance is recorded on a regular basis across all campuses. This regular monitoring allows us to compare current usage against a baseline year (2016/17), helping us track the effectiveness of our water management strategies. All these figures are reported in our Annual Sustainability Report


Wastewater Treatment

We have a comprehensive process in place to treat wastewater. We partner with the government and their extensive wastewater treatment system to treat wastewater before it is discharged into the environment. The treatment plants remove contaminants and pollutants from the wastewater, ensuring that the treated water meets the required standards before being released into rivers or the sea. On campus, oil interceptors are installed to prevent oily materials generated by catering outlets and potential leaked fuel of parked vehicles from being discharged into the municipal water system.

No Pollution Reminder No Pollution Reminder
No Pollution Reminder


Preventing Water System Pollution

We have robust processes in place to prevent polluted water from entering the water system. This includes pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university. To ensure the highest standards of safety and environmental protection, the University has implemented strict regulations for the management and disposal of hazardous substances on campus. These regulations are enforced through the Dangerous Goods Management System, which tightly controls the usage of chemicals and dangerous goods.

Also, for the handling and disposal, as well as spillage of the hazardous substances, the relevant procedures are all laid down in the Laboratory Safety Manual.


Water Discharge Guidelines and Standards

We adopt the guidelines and standards, developed based on the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO), as far as practicable to our operations. The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) in Hong Kong is a regulatory framework that aims to prevent and control water pollution by setting standards, guidelines, and licensing requirements for activities that may impact water quality. Find out more here

The HKSAR Government has implemented a comprehensive system to handle the water discharge, where the water system of the University has connected to the sewers. Find out more here


Free Drinking Water Provision

Water bottle filling stations are available on campus for the University and community, providing a safe and convenient option for users to access free drinking water and minimising the need for the disposal of plastic bottles.

HKBU Water Map HKBU Water Map
HKBU Water Map
Water Quality Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring


Water-Smart Building Standards

Our approach to sustainable building standards is rooted in a commitment to reducing water usage. Central to this initiative is the installation of water-efficient faucets, equipped with low-flow technology and sensor mechanisms. These faucets, located across the university, including washrooms, control the volume of water dispensed, ensuring optimal use per activation.

To further encourage water conservation, we've introduced behaviour-activated showerheads. These innovative fixtures come with an LED lighting system that shifts colours for every 10 litres of water consumed. This subtle visual indicator enables users to monitor and regulate their water use during showers.

To supplement these measures, we've also integrated an Internet of Things data platform that records water consumption data. This platform aids in analysing usage patterns, providing crucial insights for future water-saving strategies.

By merging advanced technology with behavioural modification techniques, we aim to inspire individuals to make eco-conscious choices, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future.

Discover more about our sustainability-related accolades.

Water Saving Faucets Water Saving Faucets
Water Saving Faucets
Smart Showerhead Promoting Behaviour Change Smart Showerhead Promoting Behaviour Change
Smart Showerhead Promoting Behaviour Change


Advocating Mindful Water Consumption - Educating Our Community

We are steadfast in our commitment to fostering mindful water consumption across our campus and within the broader community. Our approach encompasses University-wide initiatives such as awareness campaigns to foster a culture of water conservation, encouraging everyone to take shorter showers, turn off faucets when they're not in use, and report leaks promptly, strategically-placed signage (such as labels near water supply facilities across campus promoting water-saving practices), and an integration of water conservation into our teaching and research agenda.

Water Saving Reminder for Handwashing Water Saving Reminder for Handwashing
Water Saving Reminder for Handwashing
Water Saving Reminder for Showering Water Saving Reminder for Showering
Water Saving Reminder for Showering


Regular Maintenance

Our commitment to water conservation extends to regular checks and maintenance of our plumbing systems. This helps us promptly detect and fix leaks, preventing unnecessary water waste.


Sustainable Water Extraction

Our rainwater harvesting system installed for irrigation offers a solution to collect and store rainwater, ensuring its optimal utilisation for watering plants. By strategically capturing rainwater from rooftops, this innovative system reduces the dependence on municipal water sources. This not only conserves precious water resources, but also promotes sustainable practices in water usage.

Join us in our mission to conserve water. Together, we can make a difference.

Rainwater Harvesting System for Irrigation Rainwater Harvesting System for Irrigation
Rainwater Harvesting System for Irrigation