Clothing Swap 2023 (HKBU Information) Clothing Swap 2023 (HKBU Information)
Clothing Swap 2023 (Process) Clothing Swap 2023 (Process)

28 September 2023

The Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme is now launching an event called "Clothing Swap Pop-up Market". The second-hand clothes come from student sharing. By paticipating in this event, you will not only expand your fashion knowledge, but also choose pre-loved clothes to support beauty of circular fashion.

Event Objective:

To promote sustainable fashion practices by encouraging the reuse and recycling of clothing items to reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry, conserve resources, and minimize waste.


All staff and students

Event Date:

29 September 2023


11 am to 4 pm


TriAngle, Li Promenade, Shaw Campus 

For more details, please refer to the posters on this page.